For over a decade, we have provided candidates like you the knowledge, learning tools and exam techniques to pass the CFA exams and earn the coveted CFA Charter.
We have designed a complete learning solution for all levels of CFA prep. Learn concepts in class with CFA Charterholder faculty, practice questions and review progress with tests. Review and recap in our Revision Bootcamp and simulate the exam environment in a final mock-exam for end-to-end preparation. All of this is supplemented with study materials by a CFA Institute Prep Provider. What’s more! As an Academy student, you get access to a network of investment professionals and get to attend business skills workshops with PwC industry experts.
We offer classes for CFA Level I,II and III in Dubai and Riyadh, and can customise the programme for in-house training for organisations.

Who is it for?
This is the right choice for you if you are a finance professional, or aiming for a career in investment management. The CFA® is suitable for Wealth managers, private bankers, investment and research analysts, or any professional involved or student aiming to work in an investment management profile.
You are eligible for CFA® if you meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Hold a bachelor's program or equivalent program and have received a degree from the college/university OR
- Hold a bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree (or be within 11 months of your graduation month by the time you sit for your Level I exam) OR
- Have a combination of 4,000 hours of professional work experience and/or higher education

Course structure

More about the Qualification
The CFA qualification is the most internationally recognised and respected credential in the finance industry, and has been considered the gold standard in investment for over 60 years.You can learn more about the CFA Program offered by the CFA Institute here.
In an industry that struggles to define itself, the institutions and individuals that CFA Institute serve stand for building a better world for investors. Learn more about the CFA Institute here.The CFA Institute is a global association of investment professionals offering the CFA designation, the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement designation, Certificate in ESG Investing and other related certifications. Learn more here.

Meet our trainers
- CFA LI DXBTuitions - May 2025
10000 AED
Revisions - May 20254375 AED
12200 AED - CFA LII DXBTuitions - May 2025
11500 AED
Revisions - May 20256000 AED
14800 AED - CFA LI AUHTuitions - May 2025
12000 AED
Revisions - May 20256000 AED
12200 AED - CFA LI DXBTuitions - August 2025
10000 AED
Revisions - August 20254375 AED
12200 AED - CFA LII DXBTuitions - August 2025
11500 AED
Revisions - August 20256000 AED
14800 AED - CFA LIII DXBTuitions - August 2025
13000 AED
Revisions - August 20256500 AED
15800 AED - CFA LI AUHTuitions - August 2025
12000 AED
Revisions - August 20254375 AED
12200 AED - CFA LII AUHTuitions - August 2025
11500 AED
Revisions - August 20256000 AED
14800 AED
I would say nothing is impossible when you put your heart to it. There’s no amount of gratitude that would be enough to thank my mentors at the Academy for supporting me in my CFA journey.
Chandini Chandwani - Completed CFA Level IIMy key to success was planning my studies, making time for myself and learning from my mistakes during the prep. I did my best to pass the exam but embarked on the CFA journey to enjoy it. I also constantly challenged myself throughout and stayed…
Carole El Makdessi - Completed CFA Level IFor every success story, there needs to be determination, dedication, a lot of hard work and a great set of discipline. PwC Academy set the right cornerstone in my journey of completing the CFA Programme.
Aquib Aslam - CFA Charterholder
Connect with our team
General Enquiries
Shruti Joshi
Manager - Client RelationsUAEAhmad Salem
Training ConsultantKSAMonisola Yahaya

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